Council-led regeneration project will deliver 56 new homes and a new charity HQ

Multi-disciplinary design practice RG&P has secured planning permission to redevelop a former industrial site in Hemel Hempstead with a development of 56 homes for social rent and a new headquarters for a local homeless charity.

The proposals, for the former Paradise Depot site, will deliver the one- and two-bedroom homes in a block that is seven storeys at its highest. Charity DENS will get a new two-storey building on the site offering space for its foodbank operations and a community café.

RG&P said the townscape of Hemel Hempstead’s Old Town – which boasts Tudor and Georgian buildings – had influenced the apartment block’s design. It features a blend of red and dark brickwork with hit-and-miss detailing and a rusticated plinth.

Thw new DENS centre will have a predominantly darker appearance with black frame windows and rainscreen cladding.

Paradise Depot Perspective 1

Source: RG&P

RG&P’s proposals for the Paradise Depot site in Hemel Hempstead

Grant Giblett, RG&P’s lead on the project, which was designed for Dacorum Borough Council, said the finalised proposals exceeded original expectations on the quantum of housing that could be delivered onsite, but did not compromise on space for residents.

“Paradise Depot occupies a central location with plenty of amenities nearby, meaning it’s entirely suited for a modern, mixed-use development,” he said.

“We extensively modelled the site to maximise the number of new homes.”

Paradise Depot - 3D Model 1

Source: RG&P

Giblett added: “The two-storey DENS centre has been designed in close consultation with the charity to better serve its needs, and will comprise a ground floor foodbank and bike workshop together with first floor community café, office space, kitchen and multi-functional meeting rooms.”

Members of Dacorum’s development management committee approved the proposals in January, with formal consent granted in March. A report to January’s meeting said the homes were to be offered for social rent.

Construction is expected to begin over the summer.

Paradise Depot - Site Model

Source: RG&P
