Plans to include restoration of grade II-listed mansion into new homes

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Source: Tigerbond

CGI of the Weybridge development

PRP’s masterplan for a 320-home development for Cala Homes in Surrey has been given the green light by Elmbridge borough council. 

The practice has worked with 3BM Architects and Roger Mears Architects on the Brooklands Grove scheme in Weybridge, which will include 120 affordable homes.

The scheme will also include funding of £45m towards the new campus for Brookland’s College and the college’s future plans. 

The plans will include a special educational needs and disability space as well as a community area and sports area. 

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Source: Roger Mears Architects

Brooklands Mansion

The site’s Grade II-listed Brooklands Mansion, which was originally built in 1860, will also be redeveloped under plans by Roger Mears to provide 15 new apartments and 12 hectares of woodland will be opened for public use as part of the scheme. 

John Richards, land and planning director at Cala Homes, said: “Whilst achieving planning permission for 320 homes including 40% affordable is a fantastic result for Cala, we are equally delighted that this secures the long-term future of Brooklands College as a vital educational resource not only for Weybridge but also Surrey as a whole.”

Mark Wilkinson, head of London property consultancy, Lambert Smith Hampton said: “With demand for housing in Surrey at an all-time high, the proposed scheme will go some way to alleviating that demand. 40% of the homes will be allocated for affordable housing, ensuring delivery of housing to those most in need.”



