All Archive Titles articles – Page 29
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Your place or mine?
When ambitious architecture meets aspiring art, there’s danger of blood – or at least unsightly reinforcement scars – on the terrazzo writes artist Richard Wentworth
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Medallion men
Herzog & de Meuron will be presented with the Royal Gold Medal at the RIBA on 21 February. To mark the occasion, RIBAJ asked some architectural movers and shakers to give their views on the Swiss practice.
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Letter from Oslo
When we want to find things out about a country’s architecture, we now have an abundance of different media outlets to refer to that can save us the slog of actually visiting the place – eveything from magazines to the internet.
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Master key
When Shigeru Ban first visited Alvar Aalto’s work, its humanity leapt out in a way no textbook had prepared him for. In an exhibition at the Barbican in London this month, and in these eight pages of edited extracts from the accompanying book, Ban explains the profundity of Aalto’s influence ...
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The treasure house that isn’t
Once, Lottery money stimulated above-average architecture.
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Harbour master
Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s new gallery in Boston, now crouched alone by the sea, spearheads a regeneration of the waterfront made possible by the city’s Big Dig.
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Middle ground
Art & Architecture: A Place Between, by Jane Rendell, I B Tauris, £17.99
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Glory in the highest
It’s taken 13 years, cost half a million pounds, and it isn’t even a building.
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The future is in good hands
The President’s Medals evening at the RIBA never fails to lift the spirits, and the ceremony just before Christmas was a good example of why that should be.
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Stay small, have more fun
‘Getting managers you can trust is the first step to growth’ according to the Practice pages of your December issue.
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We want to join debate
May I look to all the talks on climate change and other matters referred to in the January Briefing pages being published in the RIBA Journal, for the benefit of myself and others who are unable to attend the meetings to hear the speakers?
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Crying out for a jigsaw
The wonderful drawing by Cockerell of the Wren collage in your January edition (News, page 7) should immediately be produced as a jigsaw for all us jigsaw lovers.
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Cut the crap
I totally agree with your comment ‘It’s not just the local authorities and the Treasury who need convincing that good design pays. It’s the profession at large’ (Leader, Jan 07).
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A caption to a photograph of St George’s School for Girls (RIBAJ Jan 07, p43) wrongly stated the Reglit panels were part of a fire escape and one-hour fire rated.
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Take climate initiative
An RIBA strategy on climate change is long overdue and the item in the December issue (Briefing, page 60) reflects the tentative nature of the approach to date instead of the well informed action plan that should be in place by now.
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Who is Victor Callister?
He’s the design-minded planner in charge of Street Scene Challenge, an impressive urban improvement project in the Square Mile of the City of London, that’s who.
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Bland on the run
Speculative office buildings are often unashamedly banal. And if they’re not banal they’re frighteningly expensive. But two recent London schemes make novel use of the facade to create exciting buildings that won’t scare off clients or their tenants.
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The artist's friend
Jamie Fobert finds more inspiration in contemporary sculpture than in design magazines. Perhaps that’s why he never lets his art spaces overwhelm the work.