All Archive Titles articles – Page 28
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Multifoils put to the test
Although you are right to raise the issue of the efficacy of multifoil insulation products (‘Foiled again’, RIBAJ February 07, page 65), you should be aware that NHBC Standards Extra Technical Newsletter no 36, September 2006, has banned these insulation products, pending consensus of their adequacy.
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Letter from the woods
In a world increasingly dominated by high speed connectivity, structure and control, I believe there should still be a place for the simple pleasures that only nature can provide.
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Heres looking at you
I am having great difficulty deciphering what is content and what is advertising in the RIBA Journal.
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The first sentence of John Stevenson’s Practice article (‘Testing situation’, RIBAJ February 07, page 72) states: ‘For many working architects, taking time out to study either full-time or part-time for RIBA Parts 1 and 2 is simply not practicable.’
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Valley of the dolls
LA Case Study House meets northern mill owner’s mansion in Hudson Architects’ dramatic Derbyshire home for a maker of dolls’ houses.
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De Meuron demur
As a non-architect reader, I’m delighted to see that at least some of the architects you quote have reservations about the hero status of Herzog & de Meuron, this year’s Royal Gold Medal winners (‘Medallion men’, RIBAJ Feb 07, page 12).
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Cottage industry
Messana O’Rorke have complemented the stark simplicity of an 18th century cottage in New York’s Hudson Valley with 21st century minimalism.
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Ticking the wrong boxes
In your article ‘Through the Maze’ about the Building Schools for the Future programme (Jan 07, p48), CABE reports that more than half of new secondary schools are ‘poor or mediocre’ design quality.
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Bolognese sauce
We were tickled by this image of the new headquarters for luxury leather goods manufacturer Piquadro, situated in the hills outside Bologna.
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Domestic bliss
As urbanisation accelerated during the 20th century, photographers began illuminatingly to explore the increasingly hazy distinction between town and country.
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Fringe benefits
That often scruffy mix of wasteland and warehouses that blurs the border between town and country is bursting with potential – and that doesn't have to mean buildings. By Nick Gallent
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Underneath the arches
Suddenly it seems everyone wants underfloor heating. But architects will need to specify carefully if they are to keep their clients’ feet in the comfort zone.
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A peculiar passion
Rational modernists like to argue that ‘the countryside’ is a recent invention. That doesn’t invalidate the deep – maybe irrational – British attachment to it.
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Home truths
The English House: 1000 Years of Domestic Architecture, by John Steel and Michael Wright, Antique Collectors’ Club, £45
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Earth, air, sky, sea
As large, prestigious UK projects start to flow into O’Donnell + Tuomey’s office, they still take pride – and joy – in crafting a family house on a headland above Dublin Bay. By Hugh Pearman. Portrait: Morley von Sternberg
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The power of local action
Last month the RIBA Trust’s Climate Change lecture programme International Dialogues, sponsored by Gleeds, was launched by Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai’s moving lecture on her green belt movement in Kenya.
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This is today
The genesis of installation art and cross-disciplinary collaborations is often attributed to The Whitechapel’s ground-breaking 1956 show This is Tomorrow.
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Seats of power
Figuring Space: Sculpture/Furniture from Mies to Moore. Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Until 1 April.
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Museum piece
Opened in 1885 and currently undergoing a major renovation, Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum had a long and controversial gestation.