Architects appointed to debut transport job in France

Grimshaw La Defense station 1

Source: Grimshaw

CGI of La Défense station

Grimshaw has been selected to design a station for a metro network in Paris. 

Known as La Défense station, the new station will form part of the Grand Paris Express, which is the biggest urban mobility project currently underway in Europe. 

The project, which is the practice’s first transport-driven scheme in France, will integrate the new station into the existing transport network and improve connectivity to the town of Puteaux. 

Grimshaw La Defense station 2

Source: Grimshaw

La Défense station at ground level

At the ground level, the station has a timber slat ceiling. The building will include a green roof which connects with the landscaping on the bridge over the station.

Alice Barrois, principal at Grimshaw Paris, said: “Contributing to this major project for the west of Paris - connecting communities and promoting sustainable travel - was an obvious choice for us. Our expertise in infrastructure means we can work with our partners to shape a sustainable city.”

Grimshaw is part of the IntenCités15* consortium, which is led by construction engineering firm Vinci Construction Grands Projets.

Grimshaw La Defense station 3

Source: Grimshaw

La Défense station at night