All High Risk Buildings articles
UCL launches first UK Fire Safe Design MArch programme
A new course at UCL seeks to address the UK’s shortfall in fire safety design expertise
We might not be at risk from earthquakes, but structural failure should still be high on our agenda
The tragic scenes from Syria and Turkey remind us that structural failure can be a greater risk than fire, writes Andrew Mellor
What the second staircase mandate might mean for high-rise architecture
Michael Gove announced plans just before Christmas for mandatory second staircases in towers over 30m. But what impact is this likely to have?
More clarity on second staircases is welcome, but constant change creates risk and uncertainty
The latest changes to Approved Document B are becoming clearer, writes Andrew Mellor
The new Principal Designer role is going to require upskilling
We have more clarity on the Principal Designer role but not on how they will be trained. This is likely to create barriers to delivery, writes Andrew Mellor
The new building control regime is going to impact programmes and costs
Single stage approvals processes and more design information up front will extend programmes and drive up costs, writes Andrew Mellor
The implications of the Building Safety Act are becoming clearer
The processes around the new act and the associated secondary legislation are now largely finalised, writes Andrew Mellor