Henrietta Lynch

  • Passivhaus housing on site at Goethe University

    Why Passivhaus design is worth the money


    In the final column in the series, sustainability expert Henrietta Lynch argues that evidence from Germany shows buyers are prepared to pay a premium for more environmentally friendly design

  • Hans Eek in front of a new Passivhaus primary school
    Building Study

    Passivhaus design in Sweden


    Sustainable design expert Henrietta Lynch reports on the strides made in spreading passiv principles to both new and old buildings alike in Scandinavia

  • An interior and window frame of a Passivhaus in Hamburg, Germany

    A case for Passivhaus


    In the first of a series on Passivhaus sustainability expert Henrietta Lynch runs through the basics principles behind what is rapidly growing as a standard for low energy design for all types of buildings on the Continent

  • Technical

    The environmental cost of leaving the lights on


    If all UK offices switched their lights off at night the carbon savings could be phenomenal according to recent research. Time to acts writes Henrietta Lynch

  • Opinion

    Why Part L is set to empower architects


    Building legislation in the UK is finally coming into step with what the scientists have been telling us since the 1970s: that global climate change is unavoidable and fossil fuel supplies are in demise.

  • Technical

    Technicalities: Lighten up


    “Space, light and order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep.” — Le Corbusier