Ensuring a positive user experience in office buildings requires a thoughtful balance of innovative safety technology and human-centred design, Meesons explains

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A positive user experience in buildings is a cornerstone of modern design and architecture, fostering environments where people feel safe, engaged, and inspired. It transcends mere aesthetics, delving into the functional and emotional aspects of how individuals interact with a space. When a building is designed with the user in mind, it not only meets their immediate needs but also anticipates their future requirements, creating a seamless and intuitive experience.

Moreover, public spaces and commercial buildings prioritising user experience become vibrant hubs of community and commerce. Easy navigation, accessible amenities, and inviting atmospheres encourage people to spend more time and engage deeper with the environment. When incorporating security measures into this, it is essential to prioritise them in a user-friendly manner. A balanced approach between security and user experience ensures that security measures support, rather than hinder, modern office settings’ dynamic and collaborative nature.

Managing high-throughput securely

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When incorporating security measures into this, it is essential to prioritise them in a user-friendly manner

A key component to creating a positive user experience within a building is the pace of throughput. Delays and overcrowding can be prevented by maintaining an appropriate speed in and out of an area. Speed gates provide good levels of throughput while keeping the space secure. In particular, Meesons EasyGate SPT Speed Gates have an opening barrier time of 0.5 seconds, meaning they’re ideal for higher throughput areas as they can allow more people through per minute. Managing the flow of people in this way is a simple process to follow, making for an overall seamless user experience.

Technology for high-throughput

When faced with the challenge of high throughput, entrance solutions must provide the longevity to support the building’s demands. Meesons’ range of EasyGate Speed Gates features a patented MDD Motor Drive with up to 20 million cycles before failure. With this advanced technology, the speed gates offer the utmost reliability, enabling a seamless experience.

The benefit of having the patented MDD Motor Drive in place for speed gates is indeed demonstrated within busy city offices where the number of people entering daily can reach hundreds. Due to its considerably high mean cycles before failure, its ability to manage increased throughput can be fully trusted. Alongside this, it remains silent while in use, making for a pleasant user experience that does not disturb people around it or compromise the ambience created in the area.

A key component to creating a positive user experience within a building is the pace of throughput.

Security enhancements for busy environments

Creating a complementary balance of both functionality for high-capacity office environments and security can be achieved with bespoke adjustments and integrations. Taking a financial institution’s office as an example of this, Meesons provided the EasyGate Elite Speed Gates to the client.

The EasyGate Elite Speed Gates effortlessly handle large numbers of people, and the slimline design allows for enough space to place additional lanes, speeding up entrance times to handle the high throughput in this building. To enhance the security offered by the speed gates in this financial institution’s office further, the glass wings were extended to 1800mm, acting as a visual deterrent to intruders and making climb-over attempts next to impossible.

Choosing the perfect solution for your building’s requirements

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Creating a complementary balance of both functionality for high-capacity office environments and security can be achieved with bespoke adjustments and integrations

Depending on the building’s individual needs, the right solution to maintain a positive user experience while incorporating security can vary. Factors including location, capacity, tenancy types, and aesthetics all have a role in forming the experience you have in a building.

When a building has multiple tenants and different areas have access restrictions, intuitive light guidance on a physical security solution, such as speed gates, works well to advise people on whether they can gain entry to a particular area.

In situations where a building might be prone to tailgating, such as offices that require higher security due to the nature of their work, Meesons EasyGate SPD Speed Gates are a reliable option. With pressure-sensing top lids and 36 pairs of infrared optical sensors for advanced tailgating detection, they offer excellent security performance. And even though they offer such protection, the user experience isn’t weakened. The user experience is maintained by the wings’ quick opening and closing speeds, allowing 40 people through per minute, preventing delays. The flexibility of this solution also means it can integrate with other technology to make for an even smoother experience. For example, the commercial building Two New Bailey features 4 lanes of EasyGate SPD Speed Gates that are integrated with a lift call display, meaning when a person gains access to the speed gate, the lift knows where to take them, thus creating an effortless user experience.

Creating enjoyable and secure experiences

Ensuring enjoyable and secure user experiences in office buildings requires a thoughtful balance of cutting-edge technology and human-centred design. When people feel safe, they are free to focus on what truly matters—being productive, collaborating effectively, and developing a positive workplace culture.

Ultimately, the goal is to create office spaces that meet the practical needs of those who use them and inspire confidence with a sense of well-being. By championing enjoyment and security, we pave the way for innovative, dynamic workplaces that empower everyone to thrive.

Find out more about the work Meesons do here: Entrance Control Solutions - Redefining confidence - Meesons