Peter Stewart
- Opinion
Soapbox: Something's got to give over height
Here are three questions one could ask about a new building: Does it provide useful accommodation? Is it well-proportioned and pleasing to the eye? How tall is it?
- Opinion
Why it’s better to be square than obtuse
You might have thought that architects would have tired of the fad for complex geometries by now.
- Opinion
Good design is more than skin deep
What do commercial clients want most from their architects? Some useful accommodation, or a bit of magic?
- Opinion
It’s time to return to the new town
Why is it that, in spite of all the interest in urbanism and place-making, we are continuing to build so much of our housing in the form of commuter suburbs? Isn’t there room in the Sustainable Communities Plan for us to build a new town or two? Come to ...
- Opinion
Hopes pinned on the design ber-champ
Tessa Jowell, re-appointed as culture secretary in the new Cabinet, is, we are told, bidding to become a new “über-champion” for good design across government departments.