All Opinion articles – Page 8
How suburban intensification could hold the key to delivering Labour’s 1.5m homes target
Labour’s new towns plan won’t deliver the homes we need anytime soon. To boost sustainable housing sooner, we should look to our suburbs, writes Russell Curtis
A fully engaged membership could make RIBA a true force for good
If you believe in collective action for the profession, then make sure you vote in the RIBA presidential election, writes Eleanor Jolliffe
How the new Approved Document T addresses the contentious issue of single-sex toilets
New regulations mandate single-sex toilet provisions in workplaces and public buildings, writes Andrew Mellor
Can Labour finally deliver good homes for all in beautiful, walkable places?
Labour’s New Towns vision needs to overcome past failures by addressing the complex challenges of land assembly, funding, and sustainable development to create integrated, low-carbon communities
If the RIBA is going to survive its existential crisis, we need Chris Williamson as the next president
Stephen Drew on why he believes Chris Williamson is best placed to help the RIBA keep pace with a rapidly changing professional landscape
Julia Barfield: Why I’m backing Duncan Baker-Brown for RIBA president
Julia Barfield argues that Duncan Baker-Brown is best placed to provide the leadership needed to shift from sustainable design to circular and regenerative models of practice
Biodiversity net gain: A crucial but complex step towards nature recovery
The final part of the government’s biodiversity net gain legislation came into force earlier this year. Martin Jones, looks at what this means for developers and designers
What’s stopping us from reducing carbon on every project?
As global warming surpasses 1.5ºC, Anna Beckett looks at how sustainable design can still make a difference, even on the margins
What we need from the next government
As the election looms, Jack Pringle reflects on how, as a nation, we find ourselves with a lot to do and little money to do it with – not least in terms of housing, planning and sustainability
To shift from a NIMBY to YIMBY spirit, we need to stop framing development as a battleground
Achieving the UK’s housing and net zero goals demands inclusive community engagement and innovative, cooperative planning, not divisive rhetoric, writes Ed Houghton
London’s underutilised spaces show us what true sustainability is (hint: it’s not a certification)
Adam Strudwick on why we need a radical rethink in how we conceptualise sustainability
Cambridge North and the challenge of retaining a sense of the ‘local’ in a globalising world
The rise of a homogenising corporate urbanism is creating places that increasingly look the same, writes Hien Nguyen
How the architect’s social benefit toolkit can deliver real impact for charities
Architects possess unique skills that can help charities unlock social and commercial value through innovative design, strategic planning, and effective use of resources, writes Jonathan Mitchell
Birmingham’s vision for its future is already looking out of date
The city’s fixation on demolition and failure to embrace retrofit risks repeating the failed planning policies of the past, writes Joe Holyoak
Chris Williamson: Why I’m running for RIBA president
Chris Williamson on how concern for young architects and a desire to engage the membership has motivated him to run
Shielding silence: The case for measured data in acoustic glazing
As noise pollution in urban areas becomes increasingly critical to public health, Phil Brown outlines the case for using measured data as standard for acoustic glazing
Why terraces and modern back to backs are making a comeback
With the potential to offer a strong sense of community and efficient use of land, these traditional typologies are often attractive to residents and developers, writes Matt Bowker
Why we need an intergenerational approach to urban design and architecture
Ben Flatman introduces BD’s new ‘Boomers to Zoomers: Designing for the Generations’ campaign
Designing buildings for good mental health requires real changes to policy
Alex O’dell urges the building industry to do more to create places that promote health and wellbeing
How doing work for ‘free’ can actually help you increase your fees
Building a relationship with a client through a ‘free’ capacity study is a targeted and effective form of marketing, writes Oliver Lowrie