All sustainability articles – Page 3

  • Still from Floda 31

    A study in positive ambiguity.


    Designers working in building like certainty and determinism.

  • Eco Avant-garde by Heini Van Niekerk

    Eco Avant-garde


    We should not forget that this planet is the only balance we have to maintain.

  • Why architecture students should pick up the trowel

    Why architecture students should pick up the trowel


    This summer I’m supervising the construction of a small extension to my house. I say supervising, rather helping to construct, as we don’t currently have a builder.

  • Working for free

    Social building


    This week we’ve been working for free.

  • Message in a bottle

    A message in a bottle


    Engineers like beer. They like designing things. Anything that combines the two in a single, professionally and legally allowable circumstance has got to be good.

  • Summer workshops for architecture students

    Summer workshops for curious students


    A ’Guide to the Summer’ for architecture students might look like this

  • The team at Hill Holt Wood

    Contemplating practice...


    Having recently returned to my part II studies, I have had the opportunity to reflect upon my year out.

  • plane house blog

    'Pre-fab' or 'Post-flap'


    Forget pre-fab, it seems the latest trend may be better off titled ‘post-flap’.

  • Russian architect Alexander Remizov's The Ark is designed to withstand floods, earthquakes and tornadoes.

    Noah and the Slinky


    Looking like an unholy alliance of slinky spring and a set design from Waterworld; Russian architect Alexander Remizov seeks to make a Kevin Coster out of us all with a prototype design he calls ‘The Ark’.

  • Blogs

    Building waste gets glamorous


    In the UK there are whole campaigns aimed at making architects and more aware of the waste they produce on a building project. But in America one architecture practice has moved on from simple recycling...Marmol Radziner do have an advantage in that they make a lot of the elements of ...

  • Blogs

    Trees the season to be jolly


    As newsjunkie reaches for another mince pie, it seems architects are casting aside their selection boxes and getting stuck into the spirit of the season (and I'm not just talking about a tipple of festive sherry).A season's helpings of green brownie points go to Sarah Wigglesworth architects and their sustainable ...

  • Blogs

    Is architecture like sushi?


    New Junkie brings you a midweek bumper news round up, including the Japanese architect who says architecture is like sushi, the submitted designs for Architect's Michael Jackson memorial competition and the latest from New York's mayor on the Atlantic Yards project.And, on a more serious note, how loopholes in the ...

  • Blogs

    An Obamy urban policy?


    It has finally happened; Obama has remembered that Urban regeneration was a key part of his pre-election policies. You can watch the video of his speech on the White House website, but cynics like News Junkie will want actions rather than words.Elsewhere, Murcutt blames fusty planning officials for lacklustre architecture ...

  • Blogs

    America's climate change bill, architectural sudoku spin off and Gehry's new shack


    It's been a busy few days in the architecture journalism world; Frank Gehry, airports in India, an Israeli architect's Sudoku spin off, America's Climate Change bill, Guerrilla architects in Sydney...It's a bumper edition of international news junkie, but one we hope will leave you very satisfied indeed.House Passes Bill ...

  • Blogs

    Aravena wins Marcus Prize and Greater Paris gets scaled back


    Alajandro Aravena must be among the most worthy winners of a big architectural cash prize in recent history. If you read BD's big piece on him you'll understand why. Also in today's news round up: The recession claims another victim in the US, with inter-disciplinary artist and architect Vito Acconci ...

  • Blogs

    A new island development for Abu Dhabi and more rumours about Gehry's Atlantic Yards


    Just when you thought that work in the Middle East was drying up, along comes Abu Dhabi with plans for a while new island district. The question is, will it be an island of starchitects a la Saadiyat Cultural Island, or something a little more accessible?In New York there's more ...

  • Blogs

    Does Rem Koolhaas really harbour a "contempt for sustainability"?


    The claws are out at Cornell University in the US, where a new campus building by OMA for the College of Architecture, Art and Planning has caused a bit of a row. The building has finally been given the green light, but not without its opponents lashing out at Rem ...

  • Blogs

    Pascall & Watson get the Louvre and green schools for the US


    So, the House of Representatives has passed a bill to build one of the most ambitious schools programmes in recent history. But it's not the first time that something like this has been passed by the House and ignored by the Senate. Fingers crossed it goes through this time.Elsewhere ...

  • Blogs

    A quiet news day...


    What with everyone in the UK obsessing about Prince Charles and the big wave of news that came through yesterday and over the weekend, today has been a bit quiet.News Junkie was hoping for news about stalled projects in Moscow but the Russian media is completely dominated by the Eurovision ...

  • Blogs

    Cesar Pelli's new museum and planners in crisis


    The more environmentally worthy among you may have taken time out to celebrate Earth Day yesterday. But in New York it was a chance to try and turn the entire building stock green. Beat that.However, it's not all green tinted glasses. One city council in America has taken the decision ...