All Regulations articles – Page 5

  • Opinion

    Why Part L is set to empower architects


    Building legislation in the UK is finally coming into step with what the scientists have been telling us since the 1970s: that global climate change is unavoidable and fossil fuel supplies are in demise.

  • Opinion

    Rise above government's Part L botches


    Here is Tony Blair speaking last month after a government report said there is only a small chance of greenhouse gas emissions being kept below dangerous levels: "It is now plain that the emission of greenhouse gases… is causing global warming at a rate that is unsustainable."

  • News

    Clients get cold feet over Part L delay


    Government delay in implementing new building regulations for environmental performance is making major clients reluctant to commission new architecture.

  • News

    Part Late


    The introduction of the new Part L building regulations has been delayed until April 2006, the government announced this week.

  • News

    Stick to Part L promise, architects tell minister


    Fears that key measure over environmental upgrades will be dropped

  • Archive Titles

    Society challenges draft amendments to Part L


    The Society of Light and Lighting Technical Committee's detailed response to the DETR's proposals for amending Part L of the Building Regulations states that, as they stand, "some of the proposals are neither understandable nor enforcable."